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this is your cancer

This is the third (and last) in a series of posts on Laboratory Developed Tests (LDT).  In this installment, I discuss where to find comparative analysis reviews of LDTs and add a few thoughts on LDT policies for pathology departments,...

Image Analysis Strategies for Challenging Biomedical Images using Definiens Developer XD™ Join us for a webinar:  Image Analysis Strategies for Challenging Biomedical Images using Definiens Developer XD™Learn image analysis...

Join us for a webinar: Image Analysis Strategies for Challenging Biomedical Images using Definiens Developer XD™ Register Here: Learn image analysis strategies from the pros at Definiens using Definiens Developer XD on the following...

This morning it was announced that GE will buy Clarient.  With the way mergers and acquisitions are going in the lab industry and heathcare pretty soon everything from the original stethoscope examination to your imaging studies (both...

Join CRi, the newest educational sponsor on the Digital Pathology Blog for a webinar on a new imaging tool.  These technologies are important because unlike light microscopy where single or double immunostains or IF stains performed and...

There was a story in the New York Times yesterday entitled "Prone to Error: Earliest Steps to Find Cancer" (Tuesday, July 20, 2010) written by Stephanie Saul, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist.  There is also a 7...


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