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this is your cancer

Virtual pathology at the University of Leeds Virtual slides can be made available for commercial users. For details please email with your requirements. All slides on this site are the property of the University of Leeds and no commercial use...

October 10, 2007

E-mail from caBIG

Dear caBIG™ Supporter, In the world of cancer research, the imperative of “connectivity” is gaining ground. Issue 4 of caBIG™ Links focuses on the benefits of increasing collaboration among the cancer community, clinicians, and...

From the Chicago Tribune by Jon Van.  Published July 22, 2007 It's no cancer cure, but Rud Istvan has something he says will save as many lives: an antimicrobial solution that kills viruses, bacteria and fungi and keeps killing them for...

Readers of the blog are encouraged to check out the Anatomic Pathology Informatics and Imaging Support for Translational Medicine website for conference details.  This year the meeting is being held at the 0Marriott City Center,...

I recently received a memo from my institution's radiology department sent from the VP and Chairman of Radiology with the above title.  I have cut and paste the text of that memo below: "The purpose of this memo is to inform you of...


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