December 19, 2012

Accurate Quantification of Biomarkers in Tissue Sections

BY Dr. Keith J. Kaplan


Accurate Quantification of Biomarkers in Tissue Sections

PerkinElmer recently announced the launch of the latest version of our inForm® Advanced Image Analysis Software, for accurately quantifying biomarkers in tissue sections.

We are very pleased to learn that this is already helping many scientists advance their research.

“The most recent version of inForm will enhance two of the most impactful criteria for my projects; time and accuracy”

Mark Lloyd, M.S. Staff Scientist, Moffitt Cancer Center

If you are attending High Content Analysis 2013 in San Francisco, CA on January 8-11, you can learn more about how Inform® Software can help you analyze complex phenotypes at the presentation in our user group meeting entitled ‘Putting the "More" back in Morphology: Quantitating Multiple Protein Expressions in Intact Tissue Sections’. Find out more 


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