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Visiopharm AI webinar
Image Analysis with Deep Learning

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We are excited to announce that we will be building on the success of the most recent AI webinar held on the 7th of March and will host an additional repeat Visiopharm AI webinar on the 23rd of April.

Artificial intelligence and deep learning are probably the hottest keywords of 2017 within the healthcare research community, strongly driven by amazing state-of-the-art results in computer vision and natural language processing combined with popular media interest.

Visiopharm has always believed that the future of digital pathology, from detection and diagnosis to prognosis and treatment decisions, is strongly influenced by advances in pattern recognition, data science and machine learning. Therefore, we are also excited about deep learning technologies as it could seem like a perfect tool for novel applications in digital pathology by unlocking large and high-dimensional datasets in an end-to-end algorithmic learning approach.

The reality isn’t that simple but we are dedicated to overcome many of the challenges to bring this technology to our customers.

If you missed the first webinar or want to revisit AI join this webinar, to learn more about the Oncotopix AI solution, and how it can change the field of cancer research.




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