visiopharm-logoVisiopharm is very happy to announce that Ralf Huss, M.D, Ph.D. has been appointed as the chairperson of their scientific advisory board. As the new academic leader of the advisory board, he brings a wealth of scientific and industry leadership experience in digital pathology.

Currently Ralf Huss is Professor of Pathology and the managing deputy director of Pathology and Molecular Diagnostics at the University Hospital in Augsburg (Germany), where he also leads the Center for Digital Medicine. He is board certified in anatomical, experimental, and molecular pathology with more than 30 years of experience in histopathology, immunology, cancer research and oncology.

“The interplay between the scientific community and companies like Visiopharm represents an essential partnership that helps drive advances in digital pathology. In particular, the need for communication between these two worlds is evident during these extraordinary times,” states Ralf Huss. “For my part, I am looking forward to developing an international board of advisors that ensures Visiopharm continues to lead the field with technologies and partnerships that bring value to the field.”

His advisory role will begin on May 1, 2020 and among his responsibilities will be structuring the advisory board with a particular focus on guidance in the areas of clinical pathology and quality management of pathological workflows.

“I couldn’t be more pleased to have Ralf join as chairperson of our scientific advisory board. Building a strong advisory board ensures that we maintain close ties to the community and create solutions that pathologists need,” states Michael Grunkin, CEO of Visiopharm. “With his practical experience and connections in the digital pathology field, Ralf will be instrumental in guiding the future success of Visiopharm.”

About Visiopharm A/S

Visiopharm® is a world leader in AI-driven digital precision pathology software. Leading biopharmaceutical companies, contract research organizations (CRO), academic medical centres, and diagnostic pathology labs all over the world use Visiopharm’s technology for tissue-based research and diagnostics. Its solutions use the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and deep learning to make the most comprehensive, highly configurable, and accurate tissue mining tools available on the market today. Visiopharm was founded in 2001 and is privately owned. The company operates internationally with over 900 licenses in more than 38 countries. Company headquarters are in Denmark’s Medicon Valley, with further offices in London, England, Munich, Germany, and Westminster, Colorado.

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Source: Visiopharm


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