August 01, 2023

Quantmetry also uses SimpleSlideInterface by 3DHISTECH

BY Erica Goodpaster

3dhistech quantmetry[3DHISTECH is] thrilled to announce [their] recent collaboration with Quantmetry.

Digital slide scanners and slide databases have enabled the processing and evaluation of large amounts of high-resolution data sets with AI algorithms in the field of digital pathology.

However, this is only possible if we provide simple interfaces for researchers and medics.

Quantmetry – part of Capgemini Invent, the Bicêtre Hospital AP-HP and INSERM with the help of SimpleSlideInterface (SSI) by 3DHISTECH, can not only execute detection and segmentation models platform-independently but also visualize the results in the 3DHISTECH infrastructure in the form of annotations.

The latest Deep Learning innovation is an example of our perfect match and the importance of linking digital pathology systems and AI algorithms. To count nerve fibers in skin biopsies, they have built an automated process for immediate analysis after scanning with the least human intervention.


3DHISTECH is one of the pioneers and global market leaders in digital pathology since 1996, developing and manufacturing digital slide scanners, software applications for digital slides, and other products, including tissue microarray machinery – supporting not only routine human pathology but also medical and pharmaceutical research, medical education, veterinary pathology as well as geology.

We commit our human and financial resources entirely to the development of digital pathology solutions. 3DHISTECH is dedicated to providing clinical pathologists, researchers, and universities with digital pathology solutions to facilitate quick and accurate diagnostics, support medical discoveries, and foster education.

About Quantmentry

The State of the Art AI company.

Quantmetry, part of Capgemini Invent, is a consultancy company specializing in cutting-edge artificial intelligence. It is driven by the desire to offer very high-standard data governance and state-of-the-art artificial intelligence solutions.

Winner of the “” consortium, Quantmetry and its R&D laboratory are actively contributing to the development of trusted AI in France. It relies on methods and tools capable of measuring the uncertainty associated with AI, in a controlled and transparent way.

Are you interested in the SimpleSlideInterface solution? Contact us.



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