October 17, 2023

mTuitive CEO Colin Murphy to Speak on the Role of Structured Data at the Next-Gen Pathology Conference in Boston

BY Erica Goodpaster

mtuitiveCENTERVILLE, MA, US, October 16, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — mTuitive, a leading provider of data enablement solutions for healthcare, is a silver sponsor of the Next-Gen Digital Pathology conference, and mTuitive CEO Colin Murphy will speak at the conference, which will be held in Boston’s Seaport District October 19-20.

The conference is designed for having interactive discussions in slide-free imaging, enterprise-wide solutions, and algorithms using machine learning and artificial intelligence that are being developed to improve diagnoses, guide treatment, and address a wide range of medical challenges.

Murphy commented, “I look forward to joining the impressive line-up of speakers at the Next-Gen Digital Pathology conference. In my session, we’ll explore the role of structured data in digital pathology, both today and tomorrow, and how reporting systems and analysis will help to provide context to data. Looking ahead, it is fascinating to see the potential of deep learning algorithms and AI in the field of digital pathology.”

Details of speaker session:

Who: Colin Murphy, CEO, mTuitive
What: The Role of Structured Data in Digital Pathology Today and Tomorrow
Where: Next-Gen Digital Pathology Conference, Boston
When: Thursday, October 19 at 12:45 pm
Register here: https://events.marketsandmarkets.com/digital-pathology-conference-boston/register

About MarketsandMarkets:

MarketsandMarkets Conferences, a leading international event organizer since 2014, takes pride in organizing over 200 conferences globally. With our extensive experience and rich legacy, we bring together experts from around the world to drive knowledge sharing and innovation in the healthcare and life sciences sectors.

About mTuitive:

mTuitive is revolutionizing reporting, data, and analytical software for digital pathology and surgical oncology. The company’s innovative synoptic reporting software allows for the aggregation of a patient’s data with thousands of different reports, giving medical professionals new insights and understanding to elevate the standard of care and benefit the patient. By capturing all required data and ensuring standards compliance, hospitals and surgery centers can improve efficiency and accuracy. With a commitment to continued innovation, mTuitive is at the forefront of shaping the future of medicine, enabling the best minds in healthcare to make better decisions and provide the best possible outcomes for patients. Learn more at www.mtuitive.com.

Maria Doyle
Doyle Strategic Communications (for mTuitive)
+1 781-964-3536
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SOURCE: EIN News Technology Today


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