Medical Research
OptraSCAN continues to bring innovate products to market with the introduction of their latest multi-modality scanner being shown this week at Pathology Visions 2018. Fully equipped with Confocal, Epifluorescence and Brightfield imaging...
Huron Digital Pathology News: An interview with Dr. Anil Parwani, discusses how whole slide imaging of prostate cancer sections is helping to inform pathologists and improve patient outcomes. Prostate cancer is often a devastating...
SAN FRANCISCO – Motic, global optics manufacturer and digital pathology solutions provider, announced today a new collaboration with the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) to deploy remote consultation systems in Sub-Saharan...
Paige.AI and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Relationship Ra...
Paige.AI, a pathology artificial intelligence (AI) startup made some headlines yesterday in reference to its access to an archive of 25 million pathology slides at Memorial Sloan Kettering. The story was published by ProPublica yesterday. Back...
New! White book publication about telepathology network
Discover the white book about the mesothelioma telepathology network MESOPATH is a group of experts, specialists in the histological and cytopathological diagnosis of mesothelioma. The Léon Bérard Cancer Centre in Lyon, France, hosts...
MBF Bioscience is pleased to announce the launch of the Whole Slide Edition of Stereo Investigator. This is a new version of our renowned Stereo Investigator software, designed especially for conducting stereology on images from slide scanners....