General Healthcare News
It’s a great pleasure for me to host Medicine 2.0, the blog carnival of web 2.0 and medicine. We, medical bloggers, try to write more and more about web 2.0’s impact on medicine and healthcare. My thanks to Berci Mesko for the invitation...
On the front page of its Health section, the Washington Post (4/8, HE1, Brown) reports that, "in the world of health economics," an "ounce of prevention is" typically "worth considerably less" than an ounce of...
The CBS Evening News (3/24, story 10, 2:00, Smith) reported on "a ground breaking 15-hour surgery" performed by Dr. Tomoaki Kato and a team at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Medical Center. The physicians operated on a...
Nearly half of all U.S. doctors fail to report incompetent or unethical colleagues, even though they agree that such mistakes should be reported, researchers said on Monday. They found that 46 percent of physicians surveyed admitted they knew...
The Wall Street Journal previously reported (11/20, D1, Zimmerman) reports that Americans' use of text-messaging services to obtain health information is increasing. This method "is fast, cheap and private. Unlike voice mail, it is...
With Nicotini, no need to light up (Chicago Sun-Times) From pine fin martinis to chocolate martinis to nicotinis March 12, 2008BY LISA DONOVAN Staff Reporter / Sooner or later, a creative soul was going to have to come up...