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this is your cancer

WEBINAR – THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24TH 11 am CEST – SAVE YOUR SEAT 10 am PDT | 1 pm EDT – SAVE YOUR SEAT Join Visiopharm Thursday, 24th of October for a peek at the new image analysis algorithm that will simplify your workflow and...

23 October, 2019  8:00 PDT | 11:00 EDT | 16:00 BST | 23:00 CST Presented by Anne Hellebust, PhD | Life Sciences Product Manager, Indica Labs, Inc. Vlado Ovtcharov | Senior Algorithm Engineer, Indica Labs,...

Inspirata and IBEX Medical Analytics Announce New Technical Partnership at the European Congress of Pathology (ECP) Enabling Joint Customers to Utilize Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Analysis to Reduce Cancer Case Turnaround Time and...


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