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this is your cancer

Better quantification of cancer-immune interactions can reveal which disease mechanisms are in play, and help you discover and validate biomarkers that can lead to more accurate subpopulation stratification methodologies of patients for...

Every once in awhile something hits my Facebook feed that makes me wonder how it got there and who means what by it. Beyond the family updates, births, deaths, marriages, divorces, Cubs and Blackhawk updates most recently, I saw one for “Find...

Vice-President Biden is taking the administration's last year push to "double the rate of progress towards a cancer cure" to the Vatican and now, the public.  I am beginning to have my doubts as of nearly the month of May..."The community...

Leica Biosystems was kind enough to share with me a recent white paper on "Use of Aperio Image Analysis in Peer Reviewed Breast Cancer Research" This is a lengthy review of 30 articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, which...

Five years ago this month I wrote a piece entitled “Who Will be the Next Susan Goodman Komen? Or Nancy Goodman Brinker?” In that post, in part, I wrote “Speaking for myself I think it stems from the amount of funding put towards “breast...

I would add just one point to this excellent advice from Dr. Tangella, CEO, DoveMed -- your digital pathology images as well - these should be as portable as the rest of your medical records! Written by : Krish Tangella MD MBA...


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